Other tangential topics
The issues presented here are not directly related to systemic poverty, but they are a lot on my mind and they cross-influence my thinking about other social issues.
Anti vaxxers
Is it a lack of education, lack of information, or outright deliberate misinformation is at the root of the problem? Or it is something else…
Black lives matter
I am not black, and I know very few black people… But this movement influenced me a lot and I think it made me a better person. Let me tell you a story…
Discrimination in the workplace
I am a woman in Tech. For me, succeeding means to be able to get credit for my achievements in the domain of software engineering, and to get opportunities.
Tech ethics
Software engineers have superpowers. They can create IT systems that fundamentally change how society works. What is the software engineer’s responsibility when creating such IT systems?
Black lives matter
I am not black, and I know very few black people… But this movement influenced me a lot and I think it made me a better person. Let me tell you a story…
Human beings have value beyond their industrial productivity, and that people’s labor has value beyond what they receive in wages. People are more than “human resources” — an expense to be managed so that the “true owners” of a joint enterprise, its stockholders, can receive their just dividends.