Blueberry project…

I do skill based volunteering regularly. I did some teaching – English or Computer Science – to 12-16 year old kids. Once I worked with the founder of an NGO – an amazing woman in her 50s who is also an alrtist – to teach her how to build their website. I sometimes reach out to small NGOs and offer them X hours of my IT consultancy time for pro bono. And most recently, I went on a sabbatical to work with an NGO to solve frictional unemployment for the global youth.
I focus my attention on education projects, most importantly early life education (preschool), because – at least in Eastern Europe – that’s where the children from underprivileged areas drop out the system. We want to prevent or at least delay this: the later they drop out the better chances they have in life to succeed.

since 2020

Ringató – Biztos kezdet gyerekház
since 2020